Jon Evans
author : Jon Evans
Jon Evans was born in Portsmouth, England and has worked in a fabulously dull series of jobs, none of which constitute a career. While doing these jobs the dream was always to become a writer and there were many false starts and unfinished projects. \n\nCommando and Guerrilla are the first books in a space marine series about the adventures of the Royal Marine Space Commandos. Jon and his co-author (and brother), James, are working on finishing the next book, Ascendant, as quickly as possible. \n\nThe Mutilated Merchant is the first book in a renaissance fantasy series that will explore the life and adventures of a group of outsiders, assigned to the least desirable Watch posting in their city. Edrin Loft has plans to revolutionise the City Watch of Kalider and must prove his methods if he's to make headway. The Thieftakers are a rough bunch of misfits, whose only role is to chase the very dregs of society, where other members of the Watch fear to go. \n\nThe Edrin Loft Mysteries will be an ongoing series of novels and novellas based in Kalider, once the capital city of what is now known as The Shattered Empire. Once the series is well underway, there will be an epic fantasy series that deals with events on the macro scale, affecting the whole Shattered Empire.\n\nHe now lives in Cardiff, where his surname fools people into thinking he's local. \n\nYou can follow the author's work at